I was very honored to have my work selected my Tim Anderson, publisher of Shadow and Light Magazine for the July 2021 issue on Surrealism. Tim selected a brand new body of work I am making called "Breaking Point" which deals with the diminution of women through the subtle, yet insidious silencing of women in the workplace, relationships, and social settings. This silencing is a pervasive social construct that causes many women to feel uncomfortable expressing themselves and asserting themselves in life and work. This silencing continues to perpetuate itself through family, relationships and religious cultures as well as social conditioning from the earliest ages with exposure to digital devices, social media, educational systems, and social circles.
Using the symbology of covering ears, mouth and eyes, I call into question the unbearableness of being when one is not able to fully express oneself. The images I use are complex and layered with symbols of domesticity, place, noise and the counterpoint of serenity. Some exhibit deep tranquility within the frame despite interference, while others contain objects and constructs that serve as agitation which prevent it.
I call this work “Breaking Point” because I feel that women, both here and the world over, are often at that place and struggling to find a voice and the power to break through the invisible net of silencing. Through these images I hope to call into question the empowerment of women and to challenge norms. We must encourage change that allows women to speak without regard to embedded gender and social constructs that may even be invisible to them and others. My hope is for women to use their fully unfettered and intelligent voices to further the discourse around this subject.
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